Why Young Living

Hello Guys,
Today is a very exciting day because finally, I get to share something I’ve been wanting to write to you.
As you can see from the sections of this blog “Essential Oils” is a big component in the content of my hibiscus wanderlust blog.
Essential Oils are a big part of our health and well being, it was man’s first medicine and all the contemporary medicine comes from plants but you may wonder what are essential oils and why they’re so important so let’s get starter…
What are Essential Oils
“Essential oil is that aromatic, volatile liquid that is within the flowers, roots, bushes, and seeds and that usually is extracted through steam distillation so in a short and easier terms are the most powerful part of the plants (like the lifeblood of the plant) they repair and restore the plant when is attacked or injured, so when we use essential oils has the same capacity to help us with our health, in our body, they have access to the limb lobe of the brain. That part of the brain controls heart rate, breathing, memory, hormones, stress levels, and blood pressure. Oils are tiny molecules, they hit your cells in 3 seconds when inhaled, and 26 seconds when applied topically.” - Essential Oil Reference and Game plan reference.
Anyway, just the main concept of essential oils sounds super awesome, right? but I know you are also wondering what is the biggest deal of where you get your essential oils from?? the grocery store, Amazon has them so those should be cool, right? well, let me explain something not all essential oils are made the same way … not every company puts the work, knowledge on the right process to get essential oils that are 100% pure and therapeutic grade which is what we want so they can actually support your health and emotions.
Why Young Living
I don’t even know where to start, you know the feeling when you love something so much and you want to tell your friends all about it but you can’t contain the excitement and maybe you sound like a crazy person trying to find the perfect words OK that’s how I feel right now :D.
A little story here, my good friend Sara Richardson introduced me in 2018 to Young Living Oils, I love Sara she is the best she was also my wedding photographer and before that she took pictures in our company Baja Babysitting so that was a great start to have the person that introduced me to Young Living to be such a special person in my life.
My husband and I intermediately loved the oils it was the missing piece in our lives, I suffer from daily stress, anxiety, Butch my husband he suffered from extreme stomach pain yikes! When we bought the starter kit of Young Living which is the way you become a member we didn’t know it was only the beginning of something magical, we started to notice a positive change, Butch stop complaining about his stomach and I started working in my emotions more.
One of the main reasons we said yes to essential oils was to switch from taking so much Advil, etc. instead now we use peppermint or M grain for headaches, never in our life, we thought by saying yes to young living our life would change in such a positive way, Butch’s stomach problems got so much better, I found something that till this day I’m so WOW! about, Valor, this blend of young living is just the best, it’s our liquid courage, if you are skeptical about the power and effect of essential oils valor can totally change your whole perspective, my mom was one of those, she was like you’re so cute you believe in your essential oils and they work, right? I’m like no mom they really really work! a few months later she finally bought her kit and she told me wooww! OK I take that back also my mom is very claustrophobic when flying in airplanes she lived a moment of light in her life when she had valor in her purse and intermediately she felt calm and grounded, I could keep going with the testimonies of valor and all the other essential oils and all the support and benefit we have found but let’s keep going…
Our “why Young Living” a feeling We’ve never felt before, 100% trust, because a good friend that we trust and love consider us to share about this company, then to be able to be part of an amazing community, the people, everyone helps each other, encourage each other, We have met so many new friends some old friends that we reconnected with because of it and honestly keeps getting better….
The culture, standards, and commitment of Young Living, they have their own farms, they are in charge of the entire process from where they plan their seeds to bottling your oils it’s called “Seed to Seal” it’s their commitment as a company to assure us that every essential oil they have is 100% pure without any toxins, chemicals or pesticides. It’s very dangerous to buy essential oil from a company you are not very sure about because they can say they have 100% pure essential oils but when in reality they only have to be 5% real essential oils and the rest full of fillers with who knows what in order to make more profit, as we mentioned above essential oils are the most concentrated part of the plants and if the plant is sick or contaminated it will be more harmful than beneficial so always think about that.
These days it’s so difficult to completely trust the products we buy, they can say it’s organic, no GMO, etc, but how do we really, really know????? it’s so deceiving because if we actually read our labels of the everyday products it’s very scary to see the ingredients they use and worst that we are unaware of the consequences this can cause to our health.
Why Young Living? it’s actually very simple, they’re the leaders and pioneers of Essential Oils, the founder Gary Young lived his entire life looking to build a company to help people health and prosperity at the same time and what I love the most, none of his essential oils or products are for a profit, they’re for a purpose! how beautiful is that? they rather have some essential oils or products get out of stock if they are not up to standard than sell something that is not perfect, I’ve never ever heard of a company willing to do that! so to me, that tells me everything.
Just to conclude! I want to add that last year we got to see with our eyes, all of these! we went to the annual convention of 2019 and it was the best! we got to watch Gary Young’s wife Mary Young she is now the CEO of the company in the opening ceremony, she gave the most amazing speech about Gary’s life that gave me so much inspiration to be better at helping and loving people by sharing about Young Living and the benefits for our health! We also got to visit the Mona lavender farm in Utah where we walk through the distillation of the essential oils, anyone is welcome to visit any of their farms in the entire world! woohoo!!!
Also, we got to see the headquarters of Young Living and it was so amazing, they welcomed people and you can also get to see the labs of the people working on testing the oils, all the bathrooms have diffusers lol that really impress me! I will leave some pictures in this blog post so you can check them out!
Thank you and I hope you enjoy the blog post of today feel free to contact me if you have any questions, I can literally talk about Young Living Essential Oils all day long :D
XOXO, Diana
Ningxia Red juice, the best!! full of antioxidants yummm
Diffussers, Dessert Mist, The Owl (cutest diffusser ever) and Dew Drop
Mona Farm in Utah, “candid shot ha”, forgive my untangled hair lol
Lavender fields :)
Inside of Headquarters, The whole building is all sustainable! look at at gorgeous wall
Headquarters building in Utah, SLC.
The famous starter kit!! what a beauty!!!
Your Starter Kit comes with:
12 Essential Oils that help and support our everyday life (the oils in the starter kit of each country varies a little so contact me to let you know) :)
1 Diffuser
1 Thieves hand sanitizer and Ningxia samples yumm the best juice!
The best part:
You can earn rewards and free products through our Essential Rewards loyalty program (100% optional to join at anytime)
Monthly of unique promotions.
Loyalty gifts!!!!
You have the opportunity to earn commissions by sharing Young Living but we will talk more about that on the next blog post :D